Old Age Pension (Old Persons Grant)

Old age grant

The Older Person's Grant, commonly referred to as the state old-age pension, is a monthly payment made to citizens, legal permanent residents, and refugees who are 60 years of age or older and do not have any other sources of income. This grant aims to financially assist our older residents when they can’t work anymore.

You qualify for an older person’s grant if:

How much is the grant?

The amount of the grant changes every year. Currently, the maximum amount is R2 080 per month. If you're older than 75 years, you'll get R2 100. Any changes in the grant amounts are reflected yearly in the national budget speech or at the opening of Parliament.

What you need to know about the grant application process

You can apply for the old age grant by filling in an application form at your nearest SASSA office and submitting the following supporting information: