Spanish - BA

The goal of the Spanish program at USU is to prepare students for advanced studies in Spanish language, literature, and culture. Spanish majors at USU take extensive language courses where they develop speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills. Students also take courses in Spanish and Latin American history and literature, giving them the opportunity to broaden their education.

Minimum University Requirements

Admission Requirements For This Program

Spanish Major (33 credits)

A. Required Courses (21 credits)

Gateway Course (3 credits)

One SPAN 34XX or SPAN 35XX-level course (3 credits)

SPAN 3300: Intro to Hispanic Literature (3 credits)

One SPAN 36XX-level course (3 credits)

Three SPAN 49XX- and/or 5XXX-level courses (9 credits)

B. Elective Courses (12 credits)

Students must complete 12 additional credits in the courses either not taken above or selected from the following list:


1 Only 3 credits maximum in practicum courses may count toward a Spanish major or minor.

2 This course or practicum is required for a teaching emphasis in the Spanish major or minor.

3 Students desiring to apply study abroad credits toward these degrees must obtain approval from the LPCS office prior to participating.

4 This course is repeatable for additional credit.

Bachelor of Arts Language Requirement

A Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree signifies proficiency in one or more foreign languages. Specifically, the BA requirement may be completed in one of the following ways.

  1. Demonstration of proficiency in oneforeign language by successful completion of one course at the 2020-level or higher (or its equivalent).
  2. ​Demonstration of proficiency in American Sign Language by successful completion of COMD 4920 and COMD 4780 , and by passing an exit interview.
  3. Demonstration of proficiency intwoforeign languages by successful completion of the 1020 course level in one language and the 2010 course level in the second language (or its equivalent).
  4. Completion of an upper-division (3000-level or higher) foreign language grammar or literature course requiring the 2020 course level (or its equivalent) as a prerequisite. Conversation courses cannot be considered for satisfying this requirement.

For nonnative English-speaking students only, the following options are available:

  1. Successful completion of the Intensive English Language Institute (IELI) program for international students.
  2. TOEFL, Michigan or IELI placement scores high enough to meet the University admission criteria.

Hispanic American Literature Course Options

Choose one of the following:

Related Programs

Open Electives

Total elective credit is determined by General Education courses taken, degree type selected, additional credits earned, and any additional math or other prerequisite courses needed. Please consult your Academic Advisor for details.